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Friday, January 24, 2020


GREAT WORK TODAY!  The first draft was due today with highlighting and papers were exchanged and edited!  Super suggestions and terrific teamwork!  

The Final Typed Informative Essay is due Tuesday, 1/28.  You will have additional time in class Monday to type and edit, but I wanted you to have ample time to complete the essay for your planning purposes (paper, ink, printer, highlighters, etc..).

The  final essay will count as a test grade. Ten points will be deducted for each day your essay is late. Please remember to follow the key listed below, and it's also in your folder on Reference page  R13.
  (MLA Format-12 inch font, Times New Roman, double spaced, and one inch margins)  

 Please use the REFERENCE part of your folder to refer to the rules, rubric, and other helpful information for you essay.

Remember to highlight the following:
Underline the Thesis in red
Topic sentence green
Transitions orange
Evidence blue (3 pieces of evidence for each topic sentence)
Citing of the sources yellow
Elaboration pink

Catherine Fenner, M.Ed.
Language Arts Department
Excel Hawk Team
Mandarin Middle School
904.292.0555 ext. 223
Check daily assignments for the team


MMS Vision


Mandarin Middle School is committed to preparing all students to be productive citizens who will have the tools necessary to be successful in a culturally-diverse and global world.


MMS Mission


The mission of Mandarin Middle school is to ensure a rigorous educational experience in a safe, respectful and supportive learning environment that promotes high academic expectations, civic responsibility, and a personal accountability for all. 



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